Monday, April 08, 2013 0 comments


April 7, 2013 - Days like this make it easy.  There is nothing like getting out in the sunshine.   
Yesterday I took a route that does not follow my usual path.  I picked it for the hills.  It is a short ride (20 miles) but 4 big hills.  When on that ride I feel as though I am either climbing or descending; I never feel like I am spinning.  It is fun and a good workout but it does not have the same mental impact as when I get to spin.
Today I took my normal route.  This route gives me the opportunity to ride 20 miles or more. I can add a loop or two to increase the miles and still keep the scenery fresh. The extra loop today got me up to 27 miles. I know these roads so well that I can anticipate when it will be difficult and when it will be easy.  The wind was strong and it caused a shift in what I normally encounter.
Even though the wind makes it hard to keep a consistent speed, I can (try to) keep a constant cadence.  I can not do this when riding the hills.  There is something about that pedal stroke that causes the endorphins to flow. I can't explain it, but I am so affected by it. I know when it is happening as an amazing sense of calm and euphoria washes over me.
I know that my blood chemistry changes and I can feel it happen.  It usually happens at the same time that the sweat starts to become noticeable.  Another “boost” comes later on during the ride but the state of well-being remains elevated throughout the entire ride.
As I said, this ride does not have any major hills but it does end with a short steep grade hill about 3 miles from the end of the ride.  This hill gets my heart rate up and I can feel the deep pumping in my chest when I ascend.  I know that with every stroke of my heart, the blood flows faster throughout my body.  As I reach the apex of the hill and I am able to back down on the pedals I can feel a cascade of hormones flood my veins. I am lead to a blissful peace.
So many times I think that this is a placebo and that I cannot possibly be producing such a difference in my current chemical makeup.  Then when I step into the shower and the water runs down my face and you can taste the saltiness I realize that this has been produced from within.  When I my heart rate comes down and I notice how hungry I am, I know that the food deficit is due to the chemical conversions. My skin is pink, soft and warm and it goes beyond the results of the increased blood flow.  The physical signs are all there.
So many of the people I talk to about riding don’t understand why I like the hills so much.  First of all I am not built for speed but my competitive nature causes me to strive to excel at some aspect of the ride - hills help me to feel accomplished.  Most of all, it is that extra boost I feel when I am on the other side.  I don’t love the descent but I love to come over the top.