Sunday, March 24, 2013

I know I can still find her

Today I needed it.  The sky was blue and the temperature was above forty.  Perfect day to get out there.  I needed to clear my mind.  Nothing is as purifying as being on my bike.  I am alone with my thoughts and that is exactly what I needed today.  I needed to listen to my what my mind had to say.

It was one of those amazing day.  The trees are still bare but you could see the buds swelling with anticipation. The daffodils were all at different stages. Some with just their green tops pushing through the earth. Others pregnant with color just waiting to break through and paint the landscape.  The few that spend much of the days bathed in the sunshine are already extending their yellow trumpet narrowly outward, not yet having had the chance to widen and open all of the way up.

An amazing variety of birds were were all out taking in the sunshine.  The vulture who ran from me and at the last second realized I might catch him. Even though I was no threat, he lept up and took to flight in order to avoid me.  The red tailed hawk dashing into the sky to seek his prey.  The lack of thick ground cover must make his hunting easier at this time of the year. The heron who looked so awkward until his wings spread out as he flew so gently above the earth. Spring is starting to show itself.

I am always careful but today I stayed out of the world with the people and the cars. I find the greatest peace on my rides. A sanctuary within the hectic world. When I penetrate deeply into that quiet world, I can ride with ease.  The end result was a time that was greater than ten minutes faster than the last time I did this same ride.  

Today I had someone else with me.  She helped me to be focused.  From now on she will only be in the peaceful world, but she will be ever present when I am able to get out into that space.  It made me happy to know where I can find her.

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